Friday, September 9, 2011

September 2011 Update

Fall is almost here! I am always ready for fall. It’s my favorite time of year. When we lived inAlbuquerque, I loved the smells and sights of fall. Living here in Maricopa, I just look forward to the temperature getting below 100 degrees!

Ashlynn is now 7 months old. She is just getting to be too big! She loves to play with her toys and talk to anyone who’ll listen. She says, “Mama and Dada.” Then she babbles on like you know exactly what she’s saying. It’s so cute, if I do say so myself! Ashlynn loves to lay on the floor and play with her toys. She likes to be on her tummy and will crawl in circles to get all her toys. She has yet to move forward. I so want her to crawl like a normal baby since my other two didn’t ever crawl. I’m determined to have one crawler! Ashlynn is all around a wonderful baby and I’m so thankful that God gave her to us to raise!

Brittany has the best news to share! Last night she decided to give her heart to Jesus. As part of our bedtime routine we read the kids a Bible story and they learn a Bible verse. We have a children’s Bible and just read one story every night. We have read it so much that it is literally falling apart! Last night we were on the story of when the Holy Spirit comes on the Day of Pentecost. We have talked to the kids about the Trinity before and have told them that if they ask Jesus in their heart, they will get to live in Heaven forever when they die. Brittany and Logan have seemed interested, but neither of them have ever gone beyond that. Last night I was at a church function (MOPS) so Brett did the bedtime routine. (He usually reads the story and we both discuss it together.) Brett told them again about the Trinity, and this time Brittanytold him that she wanted to ask Jesus in her heart. He led her in the prayer and told me about it when I got home. I admit that I was extremely disappointed that I was not there to share in that life changing moment, but on the other hand, I am so happy that her Daddy got to lead her to salvation! She has a special bond with him as it is, and this event makes it that much more special!

Logan is a great brother! His sisters are so blessed to have him for their sibling. I have seen a definite difference in him lately. I was watching him put together a floor puzzle. Usually when he does puzzles and can’t figure out where a piece goes, he gets mad, throws the piece down, and starts crying. This time when that happened, he just put it down and got another piece. He never seemed frustrated. I was so proud that he persevered and he made me realize just how big and mature he is getting!

Brett and I are doing well. We are waiting to see what God has in store for us in the next year. As you may know, we are trying to move to Austin next year. Brett is trying to get a job out there, but we have just put it all in God’s hands. If God can better use us here, then we are so willing to stay. However, I know that someday we will be given the desires of our heart, and we will be able to live close to our family. We just want to do things in God’s timing, not ours!

Thanks for reading our update! We love you all!


Brett, Cherise, Brittany, Logan, and Ashlynn

Ashlynn loves the camera

We went to a water park. The kids loved it!

Ashlynn loves to eat!

Brett and the kids love playing together!

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